Improve Your Health By Following A Healthy Eating Plan

W here do we begin - Healthy eating starts by eating daily portions from each of the main food groups. You can follow a balanced diet and live a healthier life by using nutrition rich foods from the food groups on a daily basis.

How Can You Get That Right Balance?

You will have lots of energy and the right vitamins, minerals, nutrients and protein needed to maintain a healthy body by using portions from each food group.

The best guide for living healthy is to never ever overeat, always use small portions from each group. That will keep your body fit, and make sure you don't gain too much fat.

Now, for a skinny or thin person, they would have to use different methods of eating. They also have to constantly monitor their food portions, but they can get away with eating more fatty foods. If your thin and wish to put on weight, follow my weight gain diet tips for more information.

Healthy Eating Pyramid

The Basic Food Groups

The food groups can be divided as follow:

  1. Cereals and Grains - Breads, cereal and rice are a high source of carbohydrates and fiber. Whole grain foods are the highest fiber source. You should eat most of your meals from this food group
  2. Vegetables and Fruits - great source for minerals and vitamins. Eat more vegiies to curb your hunger, that will help you to eat less. Nutritious part of the chain. For healthy bones and skin care. They provide nutrients for overall health.
  3. Nuts, Beans and Seeds - a great source of nutrients and a wonderful addition to a healthy diet. Studies have shown their many health benefits, including the prevention of diseases.
  4. Dairy Products - A great source for calcium. Small portions of this group will be enough to benefit the body.
  5. Meat products - High source of protein and fat. Eggs are high in protein and iron, Don't overeat from this food group, it can hamper your health, especially when eating red meat.
  6. Fats/Oils - Only eat small portions from this group combined with the other groups.
  7. Daily exercise - The overlooked food group. Many people forget this one, it is a must for overall health.

Healthy eating habits should be followed on a daily basis, and make sure to keep track of the portions you're using from each group. Balancing out the amounts you eat will help you to live a longer and more happier life.

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