"Learn How To Put On Weight and Build Muscles at the Same Time..."


vercoming your eating problem is one task and learning how to put on weight by eating more is like a double whammy. The question and most challenging problem many face is insecurity. You have been a thin, skinny framed person all your life and you're in doubt.

I don't blame you, because I have been down that road myself. But to be totally honest with you, you have to first build courage and believe in yourself. Without a little courage and self worth, no matter what I try to show you, won't work.

Now back to the question...

Would You Like To Learn How To Put On Weight And Gain Muscle At The Same Time?

When I was very thin, someone shared their weight gain meals planner with me. It made a difference knowing what to eat, and the amount of daily meals.

The idea I have and the method I have been using works by putting on weight fast and building muscles slowly. You will only have to use light weight, not that you can lift heavy weight at this moment in time. OK, that is a weakling joke.

Build Muscle

When I began training to gain weight, I used to lift only the bar. Can you believe it weighed only 45 lbs, and that was too heavy for me. But, I got stronger by sticking with it and going three times per week faithfully.

A friend of mine, way back in Holland showed me that it is very difficult to know exactly how much weight you will gain based on calorie intake.

He said that the best way to pack on some pounds is by trial and error.

Don't ever leave your stomach craving, just eat every two hours if you have to. and work-out at least three times per week.

My Fast Weight Gain Tip: Eat more than your eating now, add in a couple meal replacement packs from EAS. They used to do the trick for me to make up for the extra two meals daily.

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